• OMW: List log files to be monitored

      In an answer to HP support forum about how to list files with certain extention to be used on OMW We have a sample directory contain may different logs, we need to monitor only files start with cisco Use dir /b /s will list the files only with their full path to optimality integrate […]

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  • OMW: Alert when files are older than 30 minutes Part 1

    1- Create the needed script This script is listing the files that are located in certain directory cscript /nologo checkolderfiles.vbs abc c:scripts list I have added two features for the script One is to display list the files which are not modified within the time specified file1.txtfile2.txtlistfiles.vbs Second is to use opcmon to with a […]

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  • Script for creating NNMi Nodes in OMW

    Create a New Node Group Right Click the Server –> Configure –> Nodes Create Node Group After Creation check for the node group id defined under Unique ID by check the properties page     If Wscript.Arguments.Count < 7 Then’Check that you spacified the nodes filenamewscript.echo “Usage cscript createNodes.vbs “”filename”” osType osVersion sysemType osBits agentBinFormat […]

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  • OMW: List files on folder that didn’t modified within 30 minutes Part 2

      nodeName = “.”Set dateTime = CreateObject(“WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime”)dateTime.SetVarDate( DateAdd(“n”,-30,now()))Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:” _ & “{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” & nodeName & “rootcimv2”)Set colFiles = _ objWMIService.ExecQuery(“Select * From CIM_DataFile Where Drive = ‘C:’ and Path = ‘\Scripts\’ “) ‘Wscript.Echo colFiles.Count ‘echo number of filesFor Each objFile in colFiles IF objFile.LastModified < dateTime.Value Then strNewFile = objFile.FileName & “.” & […]

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  • HP Network Node Manager i 9.0 deep dive

    HP Network Node Manager i 9.0 deep dive View more presentations from HP Software Solutions

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  • NNMi: How to find Management Incidents that considered Key Incidents

      I have analyzed the NNMi database, and found the below The Key incidents are defined by the Incident Nature which can be found on the NNMi table NNM_INCIDENTS and the Incident name is stored under column “Name” and the correlation nature is stored under column “NATURE” So after more analysis I found the below  […]

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  • Check the status of OMW nodes part1

    I have create the below script to run opcragt command and check for the failure values and display the matching lines to the screen and this can be later used to write it in a log file for policy monitoring.   1: If Wscript.Arguments.Count < 1 Then 2: wscript.echo “Usage cscript checkstatus.vbs “”nodename”” ” 3: […]

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  • OMW: Modify the Heartbeat settings for Managed Node

    Recently I decided to post my replies in HP Support Forum here in my blog to enrich the internet with the direct answer to the question I may also attach some screenshots.. The question was about changing Hearbeat settings for OMW Nodes.. The settings are actually located under system tab in the node properties page […]

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  • Using VMware vSphere Client to connect to VMware Server

    In Jan 2009 I created an article on How to use the Virtual Infrastructure Client to connect to VMware Server 2.0 Today, I hade another challenge where I want to use the latest client tool which is VMware vSphere Client to connect to an VMware Server it will give you the error below   “The […]

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  • HP Software for IT Operations

    HP Software for IT Operations View more webinars from HP Software Solutions

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