• Creating Functions in PowerShell

    I have told you before in my previous blogs about Hyper-V and PowerShell to play with VHDs using WMI This requires that every time we need to get VHD info we have to write  the below $computer = "LocalHost" $namespace = "rootvirtualization" $disk=Get-WmiObject -class Msvm_ImageManagementService -computername $computer -namespace $namespace then we have to remember the […]

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  • Reconnect VHD Parent Disk

    Dear my readers, As stated in a previous blog, there is three main types of the disks. the Child and parent disks where you can have some sort of base disk contains all sysprepped image of the windows and another child disk contains the currently running system like base for windows 2003 sp2 and multiple […]

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  • Creating Differencing VHD using Powershell; read it to the end

    Dear my blog-spectateur, I just would like to highlight, I am not writing this to tell you another way to create another type of VHDs but I am creating this to let you know how to get different methods out of the WMI Basically as you may know there are different types of VHDs in […]

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  • How to Mount Disks to your physical Machine using Powershell

    1st you have to have HyperV Role installed define the ImageManagementService Class as Variable $Disk=Get-WmiObject Msvm_ImageManagementService -namespace “rootvirtualization” –computername . Call mount method which require only the full path for your vhd drive like the example below: $disk.mount(“C:Program FilesMicrosoft Learning50028BDrives50028-DC1-Data.vhd”) once the command succeed you will see like new drive is being installed in your […]

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  • Creating Dynamically Expanded VHD using Powershell

    simply you have to have Hyper-V Role installed on the machine where the task will be executed. start your Powershell Console set variable as the class we would like to use like the below $var = commandlet and as we will use WMI class to deal with the VHD we have to use command called […]

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  • Adding Microsoft Loopback Adapter in Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2

    I have tried to install Ms Loopback adapter to Windows 2008 R2 I used the normal method which is open Control Panel and select Add a device link and actually it did not list the device like previous versions. I found the solution is very easy all you have to do is to launch the […]

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