• Micro Focus NOM Demonstration- Install NOM Express using CDF

    Micro Focus Network Operations Manager (NOM) Technical Marketing Manager gives a short demonstration of the install of NOM express using the Container Deployment Foundation (CDF) The CDF platform is the foundation required to install all containerized Micro Focus ITOM products.

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  • NOM Suite 2018.05 Technical Awareness Webinar (MF Partners only)

    We are excited to announce the release of Network Operations Management 2018.05.

    Join us to learn the technical specifics on improved change-correlated performance views, wireless scale, SNMP trap-storm hardening, NOM Premium on CDF, and more.​

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  • Webinar: NOM 2018.02 Technical Awareness Webinar

    Note: This webinar is available for employees and partners Micro Focus is excited to announce the release of Network Operations Management 2018.02. Join this webinar to learn the technical specifics on wireless performance management and see the new look-and-feel of the user interface.  Time and Date: 1st Session  : 13-Mar-18; 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM; […]

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  • Free NNMi, How to install Video

    HP Network Node Manager i (NNMi) provides powerful capabilities to enable your network operations team to efficiently manage a network of any size, reduce the business risk of downtime, and increase network service levels. NNMI is the one solution for managing fault, availability, performance and advanced network services for your physical, virtualized, hybrid, and cloud […]

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  • BSM 9.x – NNMi 9.x Integration

    To integrate NNMi with BSM, you have two methods NNMi – uCMDB  integration which uses Data Flow Probe (DDM Probe) and is the old method. NNMi – BSM Topology integration which is integration between NNMi and RTSM (a uCMDB version hosted in BSM) The configuration steps is very simple Log in NNMi > Integration Module […]

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  • HP NNMi GNM Explained

    I have received a request from Johan in the chat area about NNMi support of Collectors architecture, this is a Whiteboarding session (45 mins) on NNMi Global Network Management architecture and best practices by Pete Zwetkof (NNMi Product Manager)  

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  • NNMi 9.10 New UI Features

      http://www.hp.com/go/nnmi — Jeff Conrad, NNMi developer, demonstrates the new NNMi user interface.

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  • Script for creating NNMi Nodes in OMW

    Create a New Node Group Right Click the Server –> Configure –> Nodes Create Node Group After Creation check for the node group id defined under Unique ID by check the properties page     If Wscript.Arguments.Count < 7 Then’Check that you spacified the nodes filenamewscript.echo “Usage cscript createNodes.vbs “”filename”” osType osVersion sysemType osBits agentBinFormat […]

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  • HP Network Node Manager i 9.0 deep dive

    HP Network Node Manager i 9.0 deep dive View more presentations from HP Software Solutions

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