Lots of questions has been raised during last few weeks in ITRC about OMW  Nodes – Policies relationship
One of the questions was about how to list all Policies assigned for certain node or all nodes
the answer was typically there is a default report built-in HP Reporter
This report is called OVO/Windows 7.5 ConfInstalledPol “OVO/Windows 7.5 Installed Policies per Node”
You can also rerun the report as Excel.
But the issue is sometimes you need a report for  a certain node or all nodes and HP Reporter requires certain configuration (very easy) but I have given also another solution
To list all policies deployed on nodes based on latest Policy Synchronization

'//get the name of the managed node from the command line
Dim argsObj
Set argsObj=WScript.Arguments

If argsObj.Count=0 Then
WScript.echo "Usage: cscript.exe RedployAllPolicies.vbs <nodeNameList>"
WScript.Quit (1)
End If

'//create connection to policy management server 
Set PMAD = CreateObject("PMAD.OvPmdPolicyManager")

'//access the managed node in WMI
Dim objLocator
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Dim objNode
Set objNode = objLocator.ConnectServer("", "rootHewlettPackardOpenViewdata", "", "")
objNode.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3

'//iterate over the specified node list
Dim nodeName
Dim numOfNodes
For numOfNodes = 0 To argsObj.Count - 1
'//get the primary node name as it was specified on the command line
nodeName = argsObj(numOfNodes)

'//get the node from WMI
Dim msgQuery
msgQuery = "Select * from ov_managednode where primarynodename = """ & nodeName & """"
Dim objNodeList
Set objNodeList = objNode.ExecQuery(msgQuery)

'//get the GUID of the managed node object
Dim nodeGuid
Dim wmiNode
For Each wmiNode In objNodeList
'//assign the node GUID to the variable "nodeGuid"
nodeGuid = wmiNode.Name  
'//other node properties, such as system type or OS type, can be determine the same way
'//for example, osType = wmiNode.OSType or sysType = wmiNode.SystemType)

'//release objects
Set wmiNode = Nothing
Set objNodeList = Nothing

If PMAD.DBConnected And nodeGuid <> "" Then
'//get the pmad node object, or create it if it does not yet exist)
Dim node
Set node = PMAD.CreateNode(nodeGuid)

'//get the list of policies that are currently installed on the node
Dim policyList
policyList = PMAD.CVar(node.GetPolicyList)

WScript.echo "The following policies are redeployed on node '" & nodeName & "':" & vrLf
Dim policy
Dim policyObj
Dim policyString
For Each policy In policyList
'//get the policy object
Set policyObj = policy

'//print out policy that is redployed
policyString = "     " & policyObj.GetName & "  " & policyObj.GetVersionString & vrLf
WScript.echo policyString
WScript.echo "  " & vrLf
Set policy = Nothing
Set policyList = Nothing
Set node = Nothing
If nodeGuid = "" Then
WScript.echo "Error: The node '" & nodeName & "' that you specified on the command line cannot be found in WMI!"
WScript.echo "Error: Unable to connect to the policy management server!"
End If
End If

'//release objects
Set objNode = Nothing
Set objLocator = Nothing
Set PMAD = Nothing

Typical usage: cscript.exe ListNodePolicies.vbs nodename


Also with a little modification to the script we can list all nodes

Dim argsObj
Set argsObj=WScript.Arguments

If argsObj.Count>0 Then
WScript.echo "Usage: cscript.exe ListAllNodesWithPolicies.vbs"
WScript.Quit (1)
End If

'//create connection to policy management server 
Set PMAD = CreateObject("PMAD.OvPmdPolicyManager")

'//access the managed node in WMI
Dim objLocator
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Dim objNode
Set objNode = objLocator.ConnectServer("", "rootHewlettPackardOpenViewdata", "", "")
objNode.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3

Dim nodeName
Dim numOfNodes
Dim msgQuery
msgQuery = "Select * from ov_managednode"
Dim objNodeList
Set objNodeList = objNode.ExecQuery(msgQuery)

Dim nodeGuid
Dim wmiNode
For Each wmiNode In objNodeList

nodeGuid = wmiNode.Name  
nodeName = wmiNode.primarynodename 

If PMAD.DBConnected And nodeGuid <> "" Then
'//get the pmad node object, or create it if it does not yet exist)
Dim node
Set node = PMAD.CreateNode(nodeGuid)

'//get the list of policies that are currently installed on the node
Dim policyList
policyList = PMAD.CVar(node.GetPolicyList)

WScript.echo "The following policies are redeployed on node '" & nodeName & "':" & vrLf
Dim policy
Dim policyObj
Dim policyString
For Each policy In policyList
'//get the policy object
Set policyObj = policy

'//print out policy that is redployed
policyString = "     " & policyObj.GetName & "  " & policyObj.GetVersionString & vrLf
WScript.echo policyString
WScript.echo "  " & vrLf
Set policy = Nothing
Set policyList = Nothing
Set node = Nothing
If nodeGuid = "" Then
WScript.echo "Error: The node '" & nodeName & "' that you specified on the command line cannot be found in WMI!"
WScript.echo "Error: Unable to connect to the policy management server!"
End If
End If

Here below of screenshot for the above script:


Some nodes displayed above without Policies because they are dummies I created for testing purposes.

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