In this article, I have used one of the HP uCMDB features to create additional CIs based on the discovered data on certain CI


Operators want to display Operating System name as CI linked with Node CI


1-Create New CIT for the Operating System

2-Create relation between Operating System CIT an d Node CIT

3- Create Correlation Rule

3a- in Query Mode adding your Searching criteria  TQL

3b- in Enrichment Mode add the CIT you want to create

3c- Add  Query Node Definition (How the new CI Attributes will be populated)

4- Create Scheduler task to run the Enrichment Rule


1-Create New CIT for the Operating System

Under Modeling > CI Type Manager right click the CIT tree and create a new CIT

I recommend to create the CIT under NodeElement CIT to inherit all the relations and configurations as all NodeElement child CITs

Note: Remove ABSTRACT_CLASS from Type Qualifiers to be able to create CIs



2-Create relation between Operating System CIT an d Node CIT

Select Node CIT and OS CIT and right click select Add/remove Relationship.



3- Create Correlation Rule

Move to Modeling > Enrichment manager and create new rule







3a- in Query Mode adding your Searching criteria  TQL

In Query mode



I will Edit the Query Node Properties and filter my TQL

I will select DiscoverOSName is Not Null to ensure that this will apply to only nodes that Has this attribute populated




3b- in Enrichment Mode add the CIT you want to create

Change the Operations to Enrichment Mode and add the operating System CIT, and Add the relation between Node CIT and Operating System CIT



3c- Add  Query Node Definition (How the new CI Attributes will be populated)

Fill the Operating System attributes as needed.

for Name attribute use the option By Attribute and select Node CIT and DiscoveredOsName



Note: You may create combination of Node attributes as a value by choosing Advanced



4- Create Scheduler task to run the Enrichment Rule


Go to Administration >  Scheduler

Create New Schedule


Add Run an Enrichment Rule


Select your schedule


Run the schedule


The Outcome will be like this, create a view to with Node and OS CITs to get the result.


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