The main idea here is to group multiple Servers under Operating System name, this may be needed by some operators to identify operating system for Node CIs by just a glimpse.

My objective is to show how simply this can be done in HP uCMDB


  1. Create a new CIT for Operating System.
  2. Create several OS instances
  3. Create a Virtual calculated relationship between OS and Node CIs

1- Create a new CIT for Operating System.

Open CI Type Manager  by Modeling > CI Type Manager

Create CIT for Operation System

Assign the Name attribute as Key

Create CIT instances that matches the operating system names populated in your Node CIs like DiscoveredOSName


Assign the Name attribute as Key


2- Create several OS instances

Create CIT instances that matches the operating system names populated in your Node CIs like DiscoveredOSName



Modeling > IT Universe Manager

Click on New CI


3- Create a Virtual calculated relationship between OS and Node CIs

Modify your View or Model or Prospective to have this relation, below I have created a new view.

Modeling > Modeling Studio 

Create New View  I named it “OS2Node

Add both Operating System and Node CITs

Create Joined Relationship


Select Name Attribute from Operating System CIT and DiscoverOSName from Node CIT and select Operator Sub string ignore case


This is the final result of the CIs and its relations.


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