Today, I have received this invitation from Micro Focus; it is an IT Operations Management and DevOps summit, the beauty of this summit, that it can be attended in Dallas, Texas and Online, also if you missed the online session you can access it recorded. Hurry up and register to get latest updates on the New Micro Focus ITM portfolio after they completed HPE Software division Spin-merger…

Here below is the invitation email.

No time or budget to travel to a conference? Don’t worry—you can still develop your career in IT operations management and accelerate IT to the speed of DevOps.

Join us at the Micro Focus IT Operations Management (ITOM) Summit in Dallas, Texas—from the comfort of your home or office on February 6 – 7, 2018, free of charge.

Attend the ITOM Summit and you will:

  • Gain the insight you need to accelerate IT to the speed of DevOps with easier, faster, and transformative IT Operations Software.
  • Hear use cases from real customers and industry thought-leaders across dozens of sessions.
  • Hear from the Micro Focus product management team on the latest innovations including SecOps Risk Dashboards, new machine-learning based user experiences, hybrid cloud brokering and our modern container-based platform.

Online sessions will span the following topics: Operations Bridge, Service Management Automation, Hybrid Cloud Management, Data Protection, Data Center Automation, and Network Operations Management.

The online summit will be available for on-demand viewing if you can’t attend the live sessions. Please register and we’ll send you a link to the recordings

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